The world is getting hyper about this thing called cryptocurrency. But, what exactly is this thing called cryptocurrency that everyone keeps talking about? Read on to find out.

Cryptocurrency is a kind of digital or virtual currency used for the purpose of transaction and exchange. It that can be validated through a process known as mining. In this article, you will know about the properties of cryptocurrency. To understand how this kind of currency works, you need to have a clear understanding of some essential terms which are mentioned below.

Public ledger

Transactions done in cryptocurrency are stored in public ledgers. The public ledger is used to make sure that the balance of the user is calculated correctly. It is also made sure that the identity of the user is kept confidential. Every new transaction is monitored to make certain that the user of the digital wallet spends the coins he/she owns.


Transaction in general means the movement of money between two e-wallets. The transactions are stored in public ledgers for confirmation. The transaction process takes several minutes.


Mining is the process of approving the transaction and transferring them to the public ledger. The mining procedure is considered to be a proof-of-work system. It adds value to cryptocurrency.


In cryptocurrency, coins are generated or mined by so-called miners. Miners are the people who operate and maintain the software and hardware that are used for dealing with the proof-of-work systems. The value of cryptocurrencies depends on the work of these people. At the same time, the demand and scarcity of these coins are what causes the fluctuation in the value of these digital coins.

Differences between cryptocurrency and other financial systems

There are certain factors that make this financial system different from other financial systems. Here are some of them.

#1. Adaptive scaling is one such factor that makes it possible for cryptocurrencies to work on different scales. One of the most popular cryptocurrencies where you find this system is Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency which is designed to permit a single transaction in around 10 minutes. It uses a special encryption method which allows controlling the generation of coins and confirmation of transactions.

#2. One of the major differences between cryptocurrency and other financial systems is that other systems use physical objects whereas cryptocurrency is electronic.

#3. Another distinct characteristic of cryptocurrency and other financial systems is that cryptocurrency uses the proof-of-work system. When such a system is used, an exceptional puzzle is exploited to restrict the usage of cryptocurrency mining.

When you are dealing with cryptocurrencies, you need to stay updated with the latest news from the world of cryptocurrency. Coins calendar is an online source for information on crypto events, news, exchange listings, etc. When you stay updated with the latest updates from the world of cryptocurrency, you are sure to taste success in your journey as crypto enthusiasts.

We hope you found this article useful and informative. If you want to know more about cryptocurrency and keep yourself updated with cryptocurrency events, make sure to check out Coins calendar.